Graduate Application Mentoring Program

The Chemical Engineering Graduate Student Association (ChEGSA) at CMU is sponsoring a student led program to assists applicants in their process while applying to the department. The Application Assistance programs hopes to support and promote diversity in our applicants, by offering assistance in hopes to alleviate some of the barriers that can hinder applicants from applying to graduate school.

The program will provide one-on-one mentorship which can help to develop your application. Applicants who are enrolled in the program will be paired with a current graduate student mentor in the department to help them develop their applications and offer perspective into the department. Mentors are there to provide one-on-one feedback on application materials such as resumes, personal statements, and references. This program has no impact on the application process and participants have no advantage in the selection process.

Admission into the mentoring program will be decided based on access to graduate school application assistance and available mentoring. Registering as early as possible is encouraged. Applications will open on September 1st and close on September 24th. To register applicants will have to respond to a survey of questions, provide a brief response on what they hope to achieve from the program, and provide one question they would ask their mentor. Students who participate in this will be given a waiver to eliminate the application costs.

Calendar Breakdown

September 1 Applications Open
September 15 Department Info Session
September 24 Applications Close
September 25-29 Match applicants to mentors
September 30 Applicant and mentor match notification
November 16-18 Check Ins


Email the ChEGSA Officers ( or DEI Chair Mariah Arral (
